Aloe tak, ako bolo
šľané prírodou.

Forever Living je najväčším pestovateľom Aloe Vera a výrobcom produktov z Aloe Vera na svete. Sme experti, sme skutočná Aloe Vera spoločnosť.
Oddali sme sa hľadaniu tých najlepších zdrojov prírody pre zdravie a krásu a zdieľame ich so svetom. Vo Forever kombinujeme čisté Aloe Vera s prírodnými a vedecky potvrdenými zložkami, špeciálne vybranými na doplnenie a zvýšenie účinkov Aloe.

Od rastliny cez produkt až k vám.

Kontrolujeme celý proces od chvíle, keď je naša rastlinka Aloe vysadená do zeme, až kým sa nedostane na vaše ruky.
Vlastníme pôdu, na ktorej Aloe rastie. Naše Aloe je zozbierané a rezané ručne, aby bolo z vnútorného listu možné jemne extrahovať gél a poskytnúť vám ten najčistejší a najčerstvejší Aloe Vera gél. Je asepticky spracované už počas zberu, aby sa v ňom zachovala čerstvosť.
Počas nášho výrobného procesu, vykonávame viac ako 1,4 milióna kvalitatívnych testov za rok, aby ste si mohli vychutnať silu Aloe Vera, tak ako to bolo prírodou zamýšľané. Predstavte si, že rozkrojíte list Aloe a gél konzumujete priamo z rastliny.
Naše Aloe výrobky boli prvé, ktoré dostali oficiálne schválenie od Aloe Science Council za obsah a čistotu. Medzi výhody patrí podpora zdravého trávenia, podpora zdravého imunitného systému, pomoc pri udržaní prirodzenej energetickej hladiny a zubné zdravie a hygiena.


I work with women who find themselves working too hard at a job they once loved, but now need a way out. As a professional network marketer I specialise in helping women to discover what they genuinely want, their gifts and strengths and drawing on those, to achieve all that’s important to them. You could be in the corporate world:- your life and priorities have changed. You'd prefer to be your own boss working mainly from home. You could be in the care sector, exhausted from long hours and not being appreciated. You could be in a job where you simply want change. Maybe your job doesn’t exist anymore. You need a good income and, having a great work ethic, you are willing to learn new skills. You might want to retire early with a great income. You can start part-time around your job and other commitments, becoming full-time as you gain confidence and see your income increasing. I was a midwife and lecturer in midwifery when I came across network marketing. I loved my work and had no intention of changing. I did, however, realise that I’d like to keep healthy for as long as possible. So I began to take the health supplements the company offered. I was impressed they could make such a difference to my energy and skin. 5 years later, tired of being on call 24/7 and tired of the politics at the university, I explored network marketing further. The prospect of change scared me, but not nearly as much as the thought of another twenty-odd years as a piece in someone else’s jigsaw. Having discovered there was no investment and no risk. I got going. Looking back it was the best decision I ever made, although at the time it felt like the hardest. Could I really change career, step into the unknown and take on a new challenge? When I look at how life is now, to how it use to be, it’s not even comparable. Today I am passionately driven by the ability to help others who have reached the same junction in the road. I now know that there is an alternative, an opportunity to take full control of our futures and, through focus, dedication and hard work create the lives we dream of in those quiet moments of contemplation. I have, and continue to work, with women from all backgrounds and varying levels of experience. The common theme is that they all have a deep desire to change the course of their lives, matched by work ethic and mindset to succeed. Contact me if you’d like to have a chat about possibilities for you. Seeing the increasing confidence and financial freedom women develop is incredibly rewarding. Join us in our vision to change women's lives! Dorothy Norris +44 7904 010259

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Produkty Firma Obe
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Purists will love Forever Aloe Vera Gel© made with 99.7% pure inner leaf aloe vera.

  • Žiadne pridané konzervačné látky
  • Podporuje zdravé trávenie
  • Podporuje zdravý imunitný systém
  • Podporuje vstrebávanie živín
  • Pomáha udržiavať prirodzenú energetickú hladinu.
  • Vhodné pre vegánov
  • Vhodné pre vegetariánov
  • Bezlepkové

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